This class is for dogs 18 weeks of age and older at the time of the first class
*dogs under 18 weeks of age should attend Puppy Class
Not Your Standard Basic class!
This is a SEMI PRIVATE class structure allowing 4 dogs MAXIMUM! Your dog will surely learn Sit, Down, Come, Drop It, Leave It, Leash Walking, and more. However, you and your dog will also learn fun and exciting ways to maintain engagement and connection. We are happy to say that we have a unique and cutting-edge curriculum.

Class will meet at the same day/time each week for the duration of the course unless specified otherwise.
A 1 hr. (approx) orientation video will be sent to you upon enrollment of the class.
*5 week course = $299 (maximum 4 enrollees).
If your dog gets very worked up when seeing another dog while ON LEASH:
Barking, growling, lunging (even if they just want to play) every time they see a dog when you are out on walks, Basic class is not for you. Instead, please check out our Private Session page. Dogs displaying these behaviors is a common problem that requires it’s own individualized program via private lessons or specially designed group classes specific to those behaviors. Dogs who react in this way would not be comfortable, or capable of learning, in our other group classes as the presence of the other dogs in class would be quite overwhelming. If you have questions about whether or not your dog might be considered reactive, please don’t hesitate to call or email us.
What’s Included:
Online access to homework for obedience classes that contains written explanations and videos of behaviors covered in class.
Personal attention from trainers and assistants in the classroom to help you succeed as well as answer your questions.
Email support and video analysis of any training issues/challenges