Loose Leash Walking
Are you sick of your dog walking you?
This four-week class is designed to work on the skills needed specifically for loose leash walking. Teaching a dog to walk nicely on a leash is a two-way street that involves both human and K-9. Owners will learn proper leash-handling techniques, and the dogs will learn that walking on a leash has never been so much fun!
Clinic Details
*3 week course = $150 (maximum 4 enrollees)
Prerequisites: Puppy or Basic class
What’s Included:
Classes meet for one hour each week, for the number of weeks specified, consistent with the day and time noted on the start date.
Online access to homework that contains written explanations of behaviors covered in class.
Personal attention from trainers and assistants in the classroom to help you succeed as well as answer your questions.

Put a Stop to Jumping
Does your dog think that they are the greeting committee at your house?
Do you dread when someone asks, “Can I say hello to your dog” while you are on a walk?! Let Heavenly Hounds help Put A Stop To Jumping!
Clinic Details
*3 week course = $150 (maximum 4 enrollees)
Prerequisites: Puppy or Basic class
What’s Included:
Classes meet for one hour each week, for the number of weeks specified, consistent with the day and time noted on the start date.
Online access to homework that contains written explanations of behaviors covered in class.
Personal attention from trainers and assistants in the classroom to help you succeed as well as answer your questions.
Come Here, Please
Do you wish that your dog would actually come when you called them?
Whether for safety or for everyday purposes, this behavior is vitally important! In this 4 week clinic, your dog’s ability to listen to a recall (come when called) , even in distracting environments, will be greatly improved! Stop teaching Fido that coming when called is an option, and start teaching them that it is a MUST!
Clinic Details
*3 week course = $150 (maximum 4 enrollees)
Prerequisites: Puppy or Basic class
Classes meet for one hour each week, for the number of weeks specified, consistent with the day and time noted on the start date.
Online access to homework that contains written explanations of behaviors covered in class.
Personal attention from trainers and assistants in the classroom to help you succeed as well as answer your questions.
Holiday Manners
Holidays are fun! Right?
We are reunited with Long Lost Family, Friends, and, Food! Food everywhere! Is there anything better?
But, wait! what about the dog? Opportunities abound for jumping on Aunt Millie! Stealing Grandma’s cookies! Grabbing food off the counter! Did you hear the story about the dog that grabbed the turkey? And that is just at your house, what if you and your dog are guests at someone else’s house?
Join us for 3 weeks of preparing your dog to be a great host, to politely meet your guests, and/or to be a guest at someone else’s home
Clinic Details
Classes meet for one hour each week, for the number of weeks specified, consistent with the day and time noted on the start date.
Online access to homework that contains written explanations of behaviors covered in class.
Personal attention from trainers and assistants in the classroom to help you succeed as well as answer your questions.
*3 week course = $115 (maximum 8 enrollees)
Prerequisites: Puppy or Basic class
May I have your attention, please?
Do you ever feel like your dog gives you the proverbial, “Talk to the paw?”
Does your dog pretend like he didn’t hear or doesn’t know his name? Getting, and maintaining, your dog’s attention is the fundamental first step in your dog successfully accomplishing any behavior you ask for. We will be working on getting attention to prevent and help correct common “bad” behaviors such as jumping up, tuning out, and not coming when called.
Through the use of various games and exercises, we will work on winning and keeping your dog’s focus on you, no matter what!
This class will take your relationship with your dog to a new level!
*115 for 3 week course (Prerequisite= Puppy or Basic course)
Virtual “Park It” Mini Clinic
Do you wish that your pup would just chill-out sometimes?
Do you wish that they would lie down on his/her bed as guests walk through the door? This clinic is for you! In this “mini” clinic (each session is 30 mins. long), your dog will learn the foundational steps to building a great, “Park It” (go to a mat/bed)!
This clinic is for dogs of all ages and skill levels! Puppies are heavily encouraged to take this course!
This clinic will meet via Zoom 1x per week for 3 weeks. Zoom is a free online platform which allows you to experience a classroom setting right in your very own home! You will meet with Stephanie (owner of HH) and your classmates in your Zoom classroom (the link will be sent to you), where you will be taught and coached just like an in-person class!